There will be some mild redness, so most people prefer to roll at night and allow this to subside overnight.
1. Pour Isopropyl Alcohol over the head of your MTS-Roller and then rinse with hot running water. Gently shake your MTS-Roller to dry and leave it in its protective case while you cleanse your skin. Do not seal the case.
2. Double cleanse your skin with a dermaviduals cleanser and dry with a clean towel.
3. Mentally divide your face into sections, eg: forehead, nose, cheeks, mouth area and neck.
4. Apply the roller onto your skin with the same amount of gentle pressure on the skin throughout, holding it as you would a pen. Select an area and roll repeatedly, using short strokes, back and forth, as opposed to long, steady strokes. Be sure to lift the roller frequently or change direction to avoid the needles re-entering the skin with each stroke in the same place. Move onto the next section once a few short bursts have been completed back & forth – diagonally, up and down, and side to side.
5. The eye area requires slower, deliberate strokes to avoid accidental injury to the eye. Pull the skin below the eye down, so as to position it over the bone. A lighter style of rolling is recommended. Do not roll over your eyelids.
6. Do not apply any skincare or makeup to your skin until the next day. An epi nouvelle+ naturelle facial mask can be applied after you roll – it’s perfect to calm the inflammation!
7. After you have finished your home rolling, immediately pour Isopropyl Alcohol over the head of your MTS-Roller and rinse with hot running water. Gently shake your MTS-Roller dry and leave it in its protective case. Do not seal the case until your MTS-Roller is completely dry.